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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Business Meeting
Bachelor of Commerce is a 3 year undergraduate program affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). The Bachelor of Commerce degree is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills, while building competence in a particular area of business such as Accounting, Marketing and Advertising, Computer Management, etc. The degree is planned such that in addition to their choice of major, students are exposed to general business principles, taking courses in accounting, finance, business management, human resources, marketing, and economics.
It is also a prerequisite for anyone who wants to pursue the Master of Commerce (M.Com) post graduate program.

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

Laptop and Notebook
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is a credit based undergraduate program divided in semesters. This course is popular among students who want to pursue a career in IT (Information Technology).
It comprises of subjects like database, networking, data structure, core programming languages like ‘C’ and ‘java’. This course provides a lot of opportunities to the students who want to work in the IT sector as programmer or software developer or analyst.
After completing B.Com-CA, a student can go for Masters in Computer Application (MCA) which is considered equivalent to engineering course (B.Tech)

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)

Business Meeting
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a credit based undergraduate program divided in semesters. BBA course is designed to provide a clear understanding of business-oriented concepts. This course comes with various disciplines such as - Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Accounting. Having a good understanding of mathematics / commerce is essential. BBA course also enriches leadership and entrepreneurial qualities in students.
BBA course forms a base for management education which is effective if a student plans to pursue higher education programs like MBA, PGDM etc.

Admission Process

Filling Out a Medical Form
** MHT-CET is COMPULSORY for all students interested in BCA / BBA Course **

Admission Process for BBA & BCA:

- Click on the link below and follow steps: 
USE DTE CODE 16260 to choose Smt. Sudhatai Mandke College
- In case you get stuck or have doubts you may click on this link for a step by step tutorial for
filling the Centralised Admission Process (CAP): 
- We are always there to help you on 9922965506 / 9577060606

Admission Process for B.Com:
You may make an enquiry with the Admissions Office in person, through enquiry form on 

   website or call on 99229 65506.
- You will be asked to produce physical original / notarised photocopy of necessary documents or
   to send a photo / scanned copy of your recent Marklist.

- Once you qualify for admission you will be asked to pay fees for your desired course.
- After you have paid fees for the desired course you can fill out the form via link sent to you on
  WhatsApp/Email to Register yourself for various facilities offered by the 
Documents to be Uploaded:
  1. Marklist                  2. Transfer Certificate               3. Scanned Photo           4. Fee Receipt
Once your Admission is confirmed, you will receive a college E-ID which will allow you to attend

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) is a virtual/digital storehouse that contains information of the credits earned by individual students throughout their learning journey using DigiLocker. It also enables students to easily store and share their academic records for enhanced access to opportunities. As per new UGC rules every student is required to register for APAAR / ABC ID.
For more information about ABC, it's advantages and other instructions

Click here for Tutorial for creating ABC Id
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