Student Welfare and Development
Earn and Learn
The main objective of the scheme is to develop a student as a multifaceted personality with academic excellence and a commitment to an egalitarian society. This scheme is undertaken for the benefit of students coming from the rural areas, who are economically backward, intelligent and meritorious but cannot afford higher education.
It inculcates in the student the idea that no work is big or small and develops a work culture with the right aptitude, and helps in keeping our youth gainfully employed.
Smt. Sudhatai Mandke College has adopted this scheme for the last 10 years and in-turn made higher education accessible and available to the poor, meritorious and the marginalized.
Students interested in the above scheme should contact Student Development Office (SDO) before September 10th every year

Grievance Redressal Cell
Grievance Redressal Cell addresses all of grievances of the students. Grievances related to examinations, infrastructure, harassment, ragging, etc are addressed by the cell. A Suggestion Box is placed in the college and the suggestions given by students are implemented if possible/necessary.
Some grievances are directly brought to the notice of the Principal or the committee members, the student president and other student office bearers of the college. Thus the committee directly and indirectly involves students in the administration of the college.
Grievance Redressal Cell Committee Members

Anti Ragging Cell
At Smt. Sudhatai Mandke College, we deal with ragging related complaints very seriously. We are always striving to be a Ragging Free Environment. The Ragging Prevention Committee makes sure they educate and counsel the students about the negative effects of ragging and the importance of how conducive a ragging free environment is.
The Anti Ragging Committee makes sure that in the event of a ragging incident, student complaints are dealt with seriously and urgently.
Anti Ragging Committee
Click Link to fill in and submit Anti Ragging form of UGC:

Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyaan - Prevention of Sexual Harrasment on Campus and Confidence Building in Female Students
This is a scheme introduced by the University to develop the confidence and personality of a lady student who comes from the rural areas and are deprived sections of society. The marginalization and deprivation of a woman happens everywhere.
The main objective of this scheme is to develop a critical mind, self-confidence and a commitment to society. The lady students are given training in health, law, and social activities.
They are also given training in self-employment and all possible other activities that enhance her social confidence. How to defend oneself in any situation, training in self defense and finally making them fearless and ready to face any unwanted situation is also taught.
This scheme is open to all regular lady students from all the affiliated colleges / institutes.
Students interested in the above scheme should contact Student Development Office (SDO) before September 10th every year

Special Guidance Scheme
- The basic objective of this scheme is to help those Students who are deprived of the latest knowledge of the subject they have undertaken at the first year level.
- Secondly, to inculcate the urge, to educate one self with education that liberates one internally as well as externally.
- Thirdly, to offer Guidance to Students in their Career Choices and the relevant subjects to be pursued by them to attain their best potential.
The enrollment under this scheme is basically for students who are economically, financially backward and also to the reserved category students. There is no limit on the number of students.
Students interested in the above scheme should contact Student Development Office (SDO) before September 10th every year

Disaster Management Program
University of Pune has established a disaster Management cell. 140 NSS programme Officers and 60 other teachers have been trained in disaster Management at YASHADA Pune for five days each.
The College has established a disaster management cell consisting of 30 students. Workshops on disaster management are organised in college.
Under Samarath Bharat Abhiyan Colleges in the vicinity of SPPU have adopted 371 villages for their over all development and to promote different activities such as Water Shade Management, Literacy in energy, Agriculture awareness, Pains in Health and hygiene, Sports activities, promoting education etc.
SMC Students through their NSS Program have conducted many such activities in their adopted villages. Viz.:
- Conducted lectures and de-addiction drives for alcohol, tobacco in the village.
- Constructed water channels in fields as per requirement of farmers.
- Helped in construction of Temple.
- Conducted free health checkups in co-ordination with city doctors.
- Conducted cleanliness drives.
- Taught Yoga to locals.
- Performed variety entertainment show for villagers.
- Conducted AADHAR registration drive.
- Counselled local youth about importance of education and available opportunities in urban areas.
Students interested in the above scheme should contact Student Development Office (SDO) before September 10th every year
